Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Between Pride And Friendship


"Birds of the same feather flock together." 
"Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are!" 

Friendship, for sure has a great impact in our lives. Human behavior, our demeanor or mental state and outlooks are like viruses that contaminate in a sense. We are somewhat the same or more likely analogous to our friends, peers or group. We adapt certain attitudes common to them like we became fashion conscious if they are, smoke and drink liquor if they do. But I would rather not tell that you will become the same or like them as against your will. The choice is all yours!
It's all animosity at the moment to be asking whether your friends deserve enough to be called good friends and be with you. Time after time there seems to be a good spirit nagging unto you to be resilient in choosing among your peers. There were also times when we tried to cover up headlines and issues that gave us reasons to dump a friend. And between those moments, that crucial choice between pride and friendship wherein the reputation is at stake, I keep asking myself on whether I could still make this relationship work out and at the same time be less annoying and stressful.

It is quite self-fulfilling gaining friends who help you assume great vision, expose you to a better environment, and who can understand the situation and everything in your existence. But to seek more friends to inspire one part of your life is a much different story than to eliminate or getting rid of somebody you've loved simply because they are not exactly what you want them to be. This isn't about ending or the finale of a drastic relationship or searching out for guidelines in our lives that we may deem called and pay attention to. I think it should be both. I would rather not suggest, that to end a relationship with people you love because they are not perfect or just because they might be your failure if they remain as part of your group.

Well, nobody's perfect! Who among us doesn't have any defects at all? Tell me if there's anyone you knew who has all-fascinating attitudes without any undesirable traits? Are we going to kick them out of our lives just because we believe they will pull us down? Did we ever think about or have we ever thought it once that instead of junking them out, we make an effort to lift them up? And instead of concentrating seriously on whether our much controversial group of peers is good or lives fair enough for us, let us first make ourselves or make sure we are good enough for them! Let us all embrace each other with all the existing contradictions found within all of us. Let us allow ourselves embark trust upon everybody that we may become desirable, beneficial and more loving. Let us make the dumb be the smart... and the devil be an angel!

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Anxiety And Stress Among Students


Billions of students around the world are trying to cope and get by with the upcoming pressures during exams that accompany every school season. The average student feels some level of anxiety before an exam, however, for some students the case can be severe. These cases usually happen when meeting deadlines and during exams which most of the time influence their performance. The same can happen shortly before and during exams.

Whatever you may call it, “being terrorize or what”, the distress about the upcoming tests and exams seems to have been the main component of the mind whenever a scheduled exams approaches. Student who experienced stress and anxiety are often irritable, lose appetite, not having enough sleep but having a lot of apprehension and lastly, they may appear unhappy and dispirited. Having someone to talk about or our support as a parent can be of great help. It may lessen their worries and will keep things on the right angle.

Definitely, good sleep will improve one's thinking and concentration. Most teenagers need 8 to 10 hours of sleep. We need to allow them to halt or shutter down between studying, watching TV or even using a computer before going to bed. It will surely give them a good night sleep. 

A well-balanced diet is essential for everybody especially for those busy students cramming before the exams. Good diet and enough sleep will benefit them absolutely far more than we expected.

Parents need to be flexible around exams time. During reviewing hours, we need not to worry about household chores or other things left undone like untidy rooms. Stop nagging about household responsibilities. Stay calm and cool. Just take note, exams don't last forever.  

We knew that a good, supportive family has a great impact on every student's success and performance. Much pressure at exam time comes from inside our home. Keep things on the right track and maintain our children's goal and perspective. We should give support and try to avoid criticism as much as possible. They must enter the examination room with great assurance and a lot of positive spirits within themselves. However, we must make it a point for them to realize that failing isn't the end of everything. Just in case things didn't go well, of course, they may be able to take the exams again or else, they can make it better the next time. 
There's always a happy ending. Celebrate by organizing an end-of-exam banquet or treat. You may even give a simple gift as reward. Nevertheless, do not use rewards as bribe but instead inspire them to work for their own gratification and happiness. Our utmost support will encourage them to attain and achieve better performance.

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